Light weight hybrid designs have technological aspects that are not typically covered by conventional metal compressor technology. Supplementing this knowledge gap is a service that is offered by Panacea, aiming to lower the threshold for your design department.
Please note that in general the tools are available for existing or potential customers, requiring a login key, which can be provided on request.

Weight prediction
Based on a preliminary sizing code and your input of requirements and product parameters, you will obtain a global estimation of piston weight. Obviously, more accurate design and analysis activities can be undertaken when you contact us with your requirements. This tool however, allows you to assess the merits of the Panacea technology already for preliminary return of investment analysis.

Temperature estimation
The temperature distribution within the piston is of vital importance for polymer based pistons. The combinations of temperature and stress cycling will determine the type and cost of the polymer solution. Unfortunately, temperature calculation is a very complex challenge. Panacea has developed some tools to provide an increasingly accurate estimation, which allows comparison and adjustment towards your own measurements of your current temperatures in cylinder wall, suction, discharge, piston rod and piston measurements.

Fatigue life computation
The Panacea materials database is combined with Finite Element Analysis to predict the lifetime of a particular design. It is based on a Panacea method to allow for a three dimensional state of stress. Note that typically, the design will be based on an infinite life (i.e. 20 years or more), but this needs not be the case.